What is Evolution Contest?
GoPro Pinkbike Evolution Contest 2018
Pinkbike Evolution Contest is a contest by GoPro and Pinkbike for bike riders and adrenaline junkies. Contest is split in 3 parts with total of $20 000 in prizes. And good news - anyone can enter!
You. Your bike. Any line. Anywhere. Raw POV.

Grab your href="/en/article/17/the-new-2018-gopro-hero-is-two-times-cheaper">GoPro, capture a sick / rad video and you'll be eligible to win some serous cash.
Judges will select their top 10 videos and then Pinkbike audience will vote for their favourites. The Top 3 with most votes will win prizes:
- 1st Place - $3000
- 2nd Place - $1500
- 3rd Place - $500
Video Requirements
Video should be from your point of view (POV). Mount it on your helmet, chest, bike handelbar or wherever you want.
Video should be captured by a GoPro.
Video should be from 1 to 2 minutes long.
Video must not be edited.
Video must be in 4:3 aspect ratio.
- 2.7K @60FPS - Recommended.
- 4K @30FPS - Good for low light.
Judging Criteria
- Composition & framing
- Perspective & degree of difficulty of shooting
- Performance & style
- Overall beauty & lighting
- 4 April, 2018 - Video submission opens.
- 5 June, 2018 - Suvmission closed.
- 18 June, 2018 - User voting.
- 25 June, 2018 - Announcing winners.
Stay tuned for Part II in July and Part III in October.
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